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Bird Race 
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Registration Information

Registration Information
Dasyueshan National Forest Recreation Area International Bird Race


2023 Registration Information




Dates:May 26 and 27, 2023(10:00 to 10:00, 24 hours)

Team size :Teams will consist of three or fours members (one vehicle per team)

Activity amenities:

  1. No registration fee required.
  2. International teams will be provided free accommodations and meals on MAY 24 and 25.
  3. Entry fee is free, but NT$10 for insurance is necessary for every one. 
  4. One permit will be issued for one vehicle per team (one team, one vehicle). By showing your vehicle permit, you can enter and leave the control area during the competition with no restrictions. You must pay a parking fee of NT$100/vehicle.


International teams:The first team with the highest number of total bird species recorded will receive awards.

Registration details:


Please fill in the name list before APRIL 25, 2023and send it to 


 (or contact Mr. Kevin Wu at 886-4-2260-0518)

Important items:

Lunch on MAY 27 will be provided. In order to protect the environment, please prepare your own cup or canteen, dishes, and reusable utensils.



社團法人台灣野鳥協會 地址: 40242台中市南區建國南路二段218號1樓 瀏覽人數:
電 話:04-2260-0518 電子信箱:birdtw.a1@msa.hinet.net
指導單位:行政院農業委員會林務局 主辦單位:林務局東勢林區管理處
承辦單位:社團法人台灣野鳥協會 協辦單位:社團法人中華民國野鳥學會
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